Monday, January 14, 2008

I "heart" NY

I'm a convert. It's official, I'm a NY convert. I love this place. that I'm done fawning all over a city, I'll explain why. I spent the weekend in Manhattan with my other half as I managed to mostly recover from that lovely little virus I had last week. So I used points and stayed here. This place was very cool and I had no problem getting there from Queens without a car. It took a little while, but then again driving anywhere in DC takes an hour.
The view was fantastic and we had an upgraded room overlooking the Hudson and the skyline was absolutely gorgeous (even if it was the NJ skyline).

Friday night we wandered around, found a pizza place, ordered a pie, walked two more blocks to get drinks from this really neat little grocery store, and took it all back to the hotel to veg and just hang out. OMG...that pizza was fabulous. The crust was almost like soda bread and was extremely tasty.

Had a little sleep in on Saturday, but we did get out around 10 AM. Two subways later and about a mile walk we ended up at the MoMA because I'd never seen any Monet's in person. And let me tell you they are more gorgeous and interesting in person. We wandered around and ended up in the Arms and armor wing which was totally cool as well. Swords, armor, guns, helmets, shields and at least one suit of armor from Henry VIII. TOO COOL!

Back down to the NYU area b/c we wanted burgers and which point our carefully laid plans derailed. Leaving Blue 9, we ran into some of my other half's soccer friends. Into Nevada Smith's for one beer. Yeah right! Five Jamison's on ice later, I'm dying for some more food and we part ways with the friends. Gyros here we come. Once he finally figures out that we've walked about 9 blocks too far and we have to turn around. We end up here and I have the best gyro I've ever had. Split a hooka and about an hour later after hanging out talking to the owner we grab a cab back to the hotel. Because sometime in between finding Cinderella and leaving the temperature dropped dramatically.

I had a great time, spent some money, walked a lot, had great food that wasn't dramatically expensive and spent QT with my other half. Now I'm a convert. I soooo want to move here.

Just need to make more $$$ so I can afford my habits in this city. What do you think about this little place? It's only $6.1 million freaking dollars! We passed this walking to the MoMA and just for grins I got the address and realtor's name. HOLY SHIT! I'm never gonna make that kinda cash, but I'm sure with enough roommates we could afford it. :)

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Downside of traveling (hack hack hack)

So my blog is called travelin girl adventures for a reason. I travel. ALOT! Mostly for work, but sometimes for fun. Hoping to do more of the fun stuff soon. Swiss Miss I so want to go to Austria with you!!!

Anyway, I finally succumbed to the bane of all travelers. I'm SICK! As in fever, hacking cough, chills, night sweats and all around feeling like poop! And this totally sucks b/c I'm supposed to spend next weekend in NY with my other half on our first mini vacation since I moved in last June. Life's been crazy over the holidays with work and other obligations and we haven't gotten to see much of each other. So we are really looking forward to playing tourist in Manhattan all weekend. Now I don't know if its going to happen.

Of course I have no choice about work. I have six weeks to finish up a project that we kicked off this week and there is a ton of work that needs to happen before the end of six weeks. So I have to be on site next week. Sick or no sick. Thank god for Motrin (vitamin M for those in the know).

It's the only thing allowing me to feel human right now. (time for more drugs...brb) dose of Motrin down the gullet. Back to traveling and being sick. I'm trying to decide how sick I need to be before I work from home and how much trouble I'd get into for doing so. I'll decide tomorrow night because my flight back to NY doesn't leave until Monday AM. I can always cancel at the last minute if I have to. I'm done complaining least I'm not having surgery like some people.

Now I'm going back to sleep. I'll be happier later. :)