Sunday, February 17, 2008

Across the pond

I'm soooo freaking excited. My other half and I are finally taking that trip to London we've been talking about for years! Flying Virgin Atlantic premium economy which is first class on most other airlines. Using points for an awesome hotel near the Kensington Palace, going to see a soccer game and tour all kinds of neat things using the London Pass. I cannot tell you how excited I am to take this trip. I've never been to London and I've heard awesome things about it. I'm going to Harrod's, (hate on me all you want Terri, you've been there), Hard Rock to add to my shot glass collection, the Kensington Palace, London Tower and all kinds of stuff that I can't even begin to list.

Ok..I'm done being insane and am going back to my normal self. Updates to come as we get closer to trip date.

1 comment:

Terri: said...

I'm not too jealous -- there are Harrod's in the states. So ppptthhllltttt! hahahaha!