Saturday, February 23, 2008

Traveling is such an adventure

I try and get home sometime between my Dad and Mom's birthday every year. Their birthdays are only a couple weeks apart, so we usually try and celebrate them together b/c I can only get a couple trips home a year. Since I've been traveling so much I decided to take advantage of the fact that my company will pick up my flight if I don't go back to DC first and make the most efficient use of my time. I book a flight leaving Thursday afternoon because that's when I always fly back from NY.

Now that the stage is set, let me tell you the rest of the story. I have a two hour working session with my clients late Wed afternoon. We are doing process design for a new IT process and I won't bore you with the details. Anywhoo...I screwed up so bad that I thought I was going to be asked to leave the client. My boss explains to me that I need to fix this tomorrow (Thursday) and I need to get it done now! My flight leaves at 2:40 PM and I'm in meetings all Thursday AM. the good corporate slave that I am, I change my flights to Friday stay an extra day and fix the problem. Which BTW, wasn't totally my fault as I was using work from another team in my company, but I didn't validate it and I'm the one on the hook. Back to the story...flight changes, fix the problem. All taken care of right?

10:30 PM on Wed, I'm done working and check the weather for Friday. HOLY SHIT!!!!! We're getting 6 - 8 inches of snow on Friday. I'm thinking I'm never going to get home for Dad's bday and I've already disappointed them by not being able to get home on Thursday.

I wake up to a winter wonderland on Friday AM. It's pretty, but have you seen the airports in NY during snow and bad weather? They get screwed up very badly very quickly. So I head to the office for my early morning meeting to rectify the Wed screw up. And........

the people coming to my mea culpa meeting AREN'T there b/c of the SNOW!!!!!! ARGH!! Ok..c.onf call, make everyone happy and call the car company to come get me and take me to LaGuardia praying my flight takes off. There is already a three hour inbound delay at LGA, a 5 hour delay at JFK and a 7 hour delay at EWR. Let's see, three hour delay at LGA, three hour layover in Charlotte for the last flight to Florence = missed flight home. Now I'm royally pissed b/c I'm never going to get home to see my parents.

At least I'll be able to get to DC if I can get to the train station.

But we have a happy ending, my flight takes off 1 hour late and I make my flight home. Now I just have to make sure I make the 5:45 AM flight out Monday AM.

5:45 AM flight. WTH was I thinking?!?!? Oh yeah, Daddy's girl has to go home for Daddy's birthday. I'd hate to disappoint. Plus I got a GREAT card. I knew he was going to cry! :)

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