Saturday, May 10, 2008

Boot camp rocks...

or sucks depending on how you look at it. When I came home from my last project I decided to start boot camp cuz one of my girlfriends had great success doing one. So for the last five weeks I've been up at 5:15 AM Monday through Friday rain or shine to go work out with about 15 - 20 other women. Let me assure you the boot camp is kicking my butt.

On a happier note, in four weeks I lost 8 pounds, 7 of which were all fat! Woohoo!!!! Go me! I've dropped 1.5 percent of my body fat and I'm extremely pleased by this. Now I just have to keep it going whenever I finally end up on the road again. :)


Charm City Kim said...

Where are you taking a bootcamp class?? I've always wanted to try it!

Congrats on the results!

travelin' girl said...

Fitness Image Results is the company. I'm not sure if there are everywhere or not. But it rocks. No boredom. But lots of pain. LOL