Monday, July 7, 2008

Big night out at MB

This is a long one so just bear with me. I wasn't going to blog about this, but in the end it just too damn funny not to.

Let me set the stage for my latest family drama. As you know, my family vacations for a week at Myrtle Beach every year. This has been going on since before I was born people. Too many people of all ages stuffed into one house makes for some VERY interesting stories over the past years. But since we've all grown up and people have moved away, died, been born, just gotten older, etc, the number of people has changed from year to year. So this year, it me, my parents, my aunt, my cuz Jamie, my other aunt and uncle and my two of my bestest girlfriends on the planet in a four bedroom two bath house on the front row. Scattered among various other houses were other member of the extended family.

So one night we all decide to head out to a local "hotspot" that Jame Jame had found from talking to various people. The girls and Jamie head out to Captain Poo's local hotspot and proceed to hang out and the girls were drinking like fishes (which we'd done since we'd gotten to the beach on Saturday). My younger cousin we'll call Bill and my brother and his girlfriend show up and decide to hang for a while. this is all good until Captain Poo's decides to shut down for the evening and we have to find somewhere else to go. Now my brother and his girlfriend decide to be the smart ones and go home! Bill and the rest of us decide to stay out for a while. No big deal, until you start looking for a place in North Myrtle Beach the week before high season starts that's still open at 1 AM AND (drumroll please) allows under 21 to get in. Guess what the only place is that will allow this interesting combo to happen.....A Gentleman's Club!

So we proceed to traipse over to the Crazy Horse and the girls are going to continue to hang and drink b/c we just didn't want to go home yet. Bill, of course is 20 so he can't drink and Jamie is DD for the night. No biggie, we'll go, have a few more drinks, talk, laugh and head home before the sun comes up because I have NO desire to ever be awake and drinking when the sun comes up again. Been there, done that, have the bar bills to prove it and no thank you I'm too damn old for that anymore.

See now this is where things get interesting. Bill (the 20 yr old cousin) has a tiny little self esteem problem and has now decided to show his older cousins and her hot friends exactly how cool he is. And this is probably going to be two parts.

We show ID, pay our way into the Crazy Horse and find a table. Bill is off somewhere and when he gets to the table he tells us he's paid the bouncer/doorman to make sure we "are taken care of" and he's pulled $600 are and we won't have to pay for anything. My first response was WTF??! There's like 12 people in here, we don't need to pay to be taken care of, plus there's three women at the table and dancers for some reason swarm around tables with women and hwo the fuck are we going to spend $600 on drinks. Well duh, we didn't really see Bill for the rest of the night b/c he was off in the private room spending his $600 on lap dances. Whatever we had a really good time talking to the girls and drinking and then it was time to go home.

Here's the deal, we all agreed to NOT tell anyone where we went b/c it wouldn't go over well with the family AND Jamie and Bill had gotten into deep kimchi last year for doing this. So we tell NO ONE where we were and suffered the hangovers the next day like the big girls we were. Of course the girls were in bed by 10 the next night and I'm not sure Jamie even made it to 8 PM. But we're all old now and know when to get some sleep after being stupid the night before.

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