Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My First 5K

Running update. I suck at running...not to mention I'm truly awful on the whole follow thru thing. So for grins and giggles, I decide to make sure I can actually make it thru a 5K seeing as how I'm not sure I can remember the last time I walked 3.2 miles for any reason.

Sooo...Wednesday AM I head to the gym and walk 3.2 miles on the treadmill. In 50 minutes. I'm thinking no problem. I can do a little better than that on Saturday and hopefully not make a complete idiot of myself at the race. Fast forward to Saturday AM at the race. First off there's a ton of people around to see me humiliate myself...joy. Second I know I'm going to get totally smoked by the kids there because we have two cross country teams and a softball team running. More joy. At least I got to see some pretty dogs before the race.

8 am and we're off. I run for about 90 seconds max and decide I feel like I'm dying and slow to a walk. No biggie...I knew I was going to walk. Five minutes later my shins are screaming and I've been passed by god knows how many people and their dogs. First off the race was on one road that the Cobb County Sheriffs department closed for FORTY FIVE minutes (see note about 50 minutes to walk 3.2 miles). So you walk half of the race and then turn around and walk back for the other half. And the posting of the race said it was FLAT. They lied!!!! It was hilly and I'm not ready for hills. LOL

I'm almost at the one mile mark and woosh there goes the first guy to pass me COMING THE OTHER WAY. Which means he's almost to the finish line and I'm not even one mile in. Ok..I can do this. Just not as fast as that guy. Or the next one or the next 100 people. LOL...but I finished. In 54:36 and I wasn't LAST!!!! WOOHOO!!! So I at least attained my goals for my first race. BTW...last place was a woman who gave birth 4 1/2 weeks ago. But I wasn't last. :) And we raised enough money for 20 surgeries for The Smile Train.

Bad part is I'm probably going to do another one. What the hell is wrong with me?!?!?! But first I have to get my time down to below 45 minutes so they don't open the road back up on me and I get run over. :)


Terri: said...

Congrats!! You finished -- that's an accomplishment. How many people can say that? {well except for the 100+ that were at the event with you}

Scooter McFly said...

yay, you finished!! that's awesome! there is nothing wrong with coming in almost last. had you given up, you would certainly regret it, i'm sure, and think of the money you helped raise! i'm so proud of you!

you're a glutton for punishment, that's why you're doing it again. oh, and you like helping to raise money for worthy causes. you inspire me to do good things. at some point in my life i might actually do them.