Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Saturday of Labor Day weekend

I'm a slacker blogger. I was off to a great start and fell by the wayside after a couple of posts. Mea culpa, but then again that's my MO. :)

Labor Day Weekend was great least for me. For SAT chica, aka Swiss miss, it was one expensive and painful weekend. Quick update for those that don't know...Swiss miss is currently in the midst of a divorce with all the fun that entails, like unloading a house, a husband and excess baggage. Anywho...weekend update.

I arrive in SAT around 10:30 local time and for those of you who have never flown from DC to SAT that means I left DC at 6 FREAKING AM!!!! Again, not one of my brighter moments, but i was all about the cost benefit. Maximum time in San Antonio at minimum price. :)

Swiss Miss picks me up and she's driving a mini tank (aka Chrysler Aspen) cuz smart girl smashed up her Benz the previous weekend. We'll forgive her, because she's not used to having to look for other cars in the driveway anymore. :) Back to story...she's in pain! Back issues which is another story entirely, but moving on. She decides she needs drugs right freaking now! So where do we go, for an anti inflammatory and pain killers....Mom and Dad of course! Get drugs, go to the local Doc in the Box where we wait for two hours. She needs help standing up and I get a great sandwich recipe off the Food Network. Girlfriend comes out with three prescriptions and decides that she's fine and don't need no stinking cortisone shot. Whatever!!! I drag her ass back in tell the doc to shoot her up. I'm thinking we have lots of drinking and talking to do which means she needs to be semi functional. Total around $300 for doc and prescriptions. Keep a tab guys, this is just the beginning.

Off to the Dodging Duck for beer food and BEER!!! I've been waiting all day to partake in a tasty beverage. Conversation ensued, beer was drunk (to the tune of about 80 bucks) pretzel and hot wing bites were eaten. Oh yeah, the recruiter who enticed me to my current company was sitting at the table next to us and we finally figured out how we knew each other. WEIRD! I knew she moved to SAT, but that was just strange to see her there. Thank god I wasn't totally inebriated yet. :)

Moving on to Saturday night. Swiss Miss and I decide to get dressed up like the smoking hot 30 somethings we are (LMAO) and head over to this local cuban bar for drinks and live music. After ordering a round, she realizes she forgot her camera and heads back to the homestead to pick it up. Meanwhile I'm hovering around a couple of chairs, because this place is packed. I manage to snake two chairs and am protecting them with my life from the squatters all around until she makes her way back to the bar. Forever later, she shows back up and informs me that she took out the brick retaining wall in front of her house b/c she's driving the f'ing mini tank. That's at least $500 to fix the wall. (Total is now hovering around $900). Two or three rounds later we decide to head home before the bar closes and it becomes completely nuts trying to get out of the parking lot. Fall into bed and sleep like the dead until 7 AM. :)

I'll get to the rest of the expensive weekend tomorrow. I actually have to work now. Dammit!!!

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