Friday, December 14, 2007

Woohoo blog #1 in my new world

So in my last post I promised to blog at least twice a month. So here's the first one for the month of Decemeber. :)

So far I've been in NYC (Queens/Forest Hills) for two weeks and I've worked hellacious hours. I knew I'd be working a lot and I was all for that plus traveling which I like. The part I don't like is flight delays. And being winter, I'm almost guaranteed to be delayed on a regular basis. I wish there was some way to just teleport from place to place. :) I so wish Star Trek was real.

Anyway, life is good. I'm sooo ready for Christmas and some time off to spend with my family. And speaking of my family, I've come to the conclusion that my father has lost his ever loving mind. He had knee replacement surgery the Monday after Thanksgiving and has since decided to blow things out this Christmas. My Mother got a freaking Yukon Denali fully loaded. She's afraid when my father comes off the pain killers he's going to look in the garage and wonder where the hell that vehicle came from. She's told me she's not returning it no matter what. :)

Anyway, life is still crazy and will continue to be that way for quite some time. I'll blog more later, but now I have to pack for my most likely delayed flight tomorrow morning.

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